This article contains everything you need to know about Arkadium’s Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game.

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How to play

Based on the popular game show, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is a trivia game. If you're familiar with the game show, you already know how to play this. All of the options from the show are present in the game.

You can start the game by clicking on Play. To turn the sound and music of the game on or off, click on the  Options icon on the top right.

The options menu has icons to turn the sound effects and music on or off. Click on the Back icon to go back to the game.

The game is very easy to play. Each round is a different question. There is no time limit, so you can take as long as you like. Each question will have four different answers. Click on the one you like to lock it and turn it orange. It will then turn green if the option is correct.

To quit the game at anytime and leave with your current winnings, just leave from the top right icon.

After answering a few questions, you will arrive at the Money Tree. This tree has several checkpoints, on the fifth and tenth positions. Losing between these positions, takes you back to the last one you've been, which removes the consequence of losing in the fifth and tenth rounds.


Who Wants To Be A Millionaire has several Lifelines to count on. The four available ones can be seen on top of the game. More than one lifeline can be used per game.

Each of these can be used once per game. Once they've been used once, they're locked until the next game.

50:50: Using 50:50 allows you to remove two of the possible choices, leading to only two more. This makes it easier to choose if you're in doubt.

Phone A Friend: This allows the game to call someone, who will give you their opinion on what they think the answer is. The friend isn't always correct.

Ask The Audience: This allows the player to ask the audience what they think could be the right answer. The audience will then vote on the correct one. The winning vote isn't always the correct one.

Draw New Question: This allows the player to draw an entirely new question, if they're not confident in their ability to solve the current one.


Who Wants To Be A Millionaire has no scoring system. This game is meant to be a simulation of the game show, without a specific scoring system or leaderboard. The game is incompatible with the regular competitive Arkadium leaderboards, and it's meant for simple fun progression.