This article contains everything you need to know about Arkadium’s Mr Racer Game.
Use the list below to navigate specific topics about Mr Racer.
Game Menus
Mr Racer is a driving game. It features exciting street racing with beautiful 3D graphics. You'll be able to enjoy the excitement of high octane competitive racing directly from your browser.
As soon as you start the game, you'll be greeted with the main menu. It is divided into several sections.
NOTE: You can admire your current car by using your mouse button to drag the camera around it. Try it!
- About. This lets you know information about the game.
- Statistics. By clicking here, you can see all of your game statistics. You can see all of your current experience here.
- Cash counter. You'll see all of the cash you've currently got in the game.
- Store. Click here to access the store, where you'll be given a wide range of options to enhance your game experience.
- Settings. You'll be able to change your game settings here. Options such as sound, driving gears and distance measures are included.
- Temporary Deal. This is where deals are sometimes shown. These are promotions in our store that offer temporarily available deals. Don't miss them!
- Daily Rewards. You can check this option for brand new daily rewards each day. Be sure to log in every day to earn more.
- Ad watch. This option allows you to watch ads in exchange for 500 in cash.
- Game mode. Click here to start playing. It will take you to the Game Mode menu, where you can choose how you'd like to play.
- Garage. This option allows you to select a car and customise your car with options you've unlocked. You can unlock more cars and customisation options as you play the game.
Statistics Screen
You'll be able to see all that you've achieved by using the statistics screen. Stats such as the number of races you've played, your XP level and your total distance driven are displayed here. You can also change your display avatar by using the right link below the picture. Exit using the top right X.
The in-game store will provide you with a variety of options to enhance your in-game experience. Whether you'd like to purchase in-game money to buy more cars, or you'd like everything available without having to unlock it, you can access it here.
Settings Menu
The settings menu allows you to change various options. You can change the music or sound to the value you'd like using the buttons, and turn the sound on or off.
You can also choose whether you'd like the game to control your acceleration so that you can fully focus on turning the car, or if you'd like to control it yourself.
The Distance In option allows you to choose between a measure of kilometers or miles to measure the distance you're going.
Finally, you can click on Help to see your control layout. You'll see the buttons on the keyboard that are used to play the game.
The garage allows you to choose your car and costumise it. Some cars and customisation options you unlock through playing the game, while others, you can purchase. Here are the available options.
- Customization options. This allows you to choose between changing the car's paint color, the wheels, the light color or the car stance.
- Lighting. Flip this switch to change the background lighting to see your car in a different way.
- Stats. This will let you know what stats the car you currently selected has.
- Cars. You can switch from car to car by picking this option. Select the arrows on the left and right to select through different cars.
- Upgrade. Here, you can upgrade the statistics of your current car permanently. This will make it easier for you to win races.
- Name Board. Type the name you'd like to see on the car's license plate. This will appear in the game.
Game Modes
Here, you can select between a variety of different game modes. Drag and drop with your mouse to scroll through all of the different modes. Some modes may require unlocking through playing earlier modes. Select the mode you like, and click on Next to proceed.
Challenge mode will give you a map to follow with plenty of different challenges to complete. Each challenge will have a completely different goal with many variations and areas. Challenges will be harder as you progress through the map. Challenges that have been completed will have a checkmark, while the ones that are yet to be unlocked, will have a red lock. Complete more challenges to earn cash and experience. Play challenges again to improve your high score.
Career Race
Career Race mode will put you in a street race against an opponent. Each opponent will be harder than the other. Go through all of the different opponents to unlock cash rewards and experience. As you proceed through the races, you'll encounter various bosses that will be harder than normal encounters. The green circles represent the races you've finished, while the yellow one represents the current race. White icons need to be unlocked. Click on the race you'd like to tackle, and on the "Race" icon to begin. The difficulty for each race is represented by a number of stars on the right.
There are different difficulties you unlock as you go. Beginner, Intermediate, Pro, Master and Legend. Play through all of them to become a master racer!
NOTE: This mode unlocks at level 3
It's a mode in which you can race endlessly in a single scenery, where you will continue to earn money indefinitely until you crash.
Before picking Endless mode, you can choose between One Way and Two Way. Two Way means you'll face incoming traffic on the left side of the road, making the game more difficult.
You can try out for higher high scores in this mode, and challenge the harder levels on the right for more money. Each level can be unlocked by a specific amount of money. Levels yet to be unlocked will be marked with a lock.
Free Ride
NOTE: This mode unlocks at level 3
In this mode, you can freely use any car you've unlocked to ride freely in any of the levels, without any limits, challenges or restrictions. It's a mode without any rewards and just to be used for fun, or if you'd like to practice your driving skills.
NOTE: This mode unlocks after paying the required amount
This mode challenges you to chase after other racing cars and overtake them. A specific number of rivals will be shown in the beginning of the race, and identified with an icon. When you overtake them over their specific line, the match is won.
Time Trial
NOTE: This mode unlocks after paying the required amount
Time Trial mode is similar to Free Ride, only with a few more restrictions. You'll see police cars attempting to bar your way, and you will be timed. The farther you're able to race unrestricted, the more money you'll earn at the end.
NOTE: Just like in Endless Mode, you can pick between One Way or Two Way traffic
How To Play
To play the game, you must first learn the controls of the car. Here is a diagram of how your keyboard is used to play the game on computers. You can also see this diagram from the settings menu.
Playing Mr Racer has entirely to do with the control of the car. The acceleration will be controlled automatically if you've checked this specific option in the Settings.
To turn from side to side of the road, accelerate or brake, use the arrow keys or the directional keys, whichever you find more comfortable.
If you're playing the game on a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet, you can use the equally intuitive screen controls. These will be displayed on screen, like so:
NOTE: When playing in mobile devices, please use both of your hands to play the game, as intended.
To play the game, you have to focus on speeding through the highway to fulfill your current objectives, while turning the car from side to side to avoid incoming cars. When you overtake other cars, you'll get bonuses.
When you encounter cars in your path, you can signal for them to move out of the way. For this, you can use the horn with the H button.
You can use the C button to achieve different camera perspectives in the game. You can change between overhead, behind the car, or inside the car.
This chapter is about some strategies on how to perform better.
Car Clusters. When approaching areas where the entire road is full of cars, be sure to slow down and use the horn with H. The car in your path will slowly get out of the way.
Ambulances. When encountering ambulances, they may practice a more aggressive style of driving and exceed cars. Be careful as they may create more unpredictable objects.
Upgrade your vehicle. Always make sure to upgrade your car to its best condition in the garage. This will make sure that you'll be up to challenge the newest objectives.
The Mr Racer game has no scoring system. There is no way to save score in the Mr Racer game. This game is meant to be a fun racing game, without a specific scoring system or leaderboard. The game is incompatible with the regular competitive Arkadium leaderboards, and it's meant for simple fun progression.