With Arkadium Plus, you can play all your favorite games without having to watch ads. This includes any video ads you would see before playing a game, as well as third-party banner ads located on your screen while you play.



There might be several different reasons to why you're experiencing these ads. Check each one according to your situation.

Not Signed In

Please ensure you’re signed in to the Arkadium profile associated with your Arkadium Plus subscription to take advantage of ad-free gameplay. Your subscription is directly connected to your Arkadium account. As such, you will not be able to access the subscription unless you're properly logged in.

If you see the Sign In and Create a free profile icons on the top right of the website, this means that you are not signed in, and because of this, you will not be able to use the subscription. Sign in to use the subscription.

If you see an icon with your profile picture and number of Gems, you are signed into an account. However, if you still see advertisements, the account is not currently connected to a subscription.

Should you be signed into the incorrect account, you should Sign Out first, before signing into the correct account.

WARNING: if you have several emails, please, make sure you logged in, using the right email, because otherwise you would be logged in as a regular user (not premium). Only one account, connected to a single e-mail, may be connected to a subscription at a time.

Here is how to do this: How do I sign in to Arkadium profile?

The "ad" is a game banner

You may see banners on the site from Arkadium to notify you about new games or promotions from time to time. We appreciate your feedback about these notifications. We plan to have more efficient ways to inform you about new games and updates in the future.

This is an example of a promotional banner that may appear in the middle of your screen. These are not ads and simply exist to announce new games. Click on play if you'd like to check them out, or on the X on the top right to remove the banner.

If you confirm that you’re signed in to the profile associated with your active Arkadium Plus subscription and still see ads that do not fit the criteria described above, please contact the support team. In your message, please include additional details about the ad you saw and where you saw it.

Ads for game advantages

The Arkadium Plus subscription exists for users to avoid having to see ads each time they play games. However, we have started offering games that present ads as part of their advantage mechanics, such as offering hints, skipping levels, and presenting solutions.

You can see an example on One Line, where clicking on Hint provides you with a full guide on how to pass a level. This is a solution that skips the main gameplay mechanic and allows you a free pass from having to play, in exchange for watching an ad.

Previously, we made the decision to block these mechanics from subscribers, to avoid ads entirely. But we feel that it's unfair to lock subscribers out from existing mechanics. Offering unlimited amounts of hints, coins and other features to subscribers would bypass playing the game entirely.

So for these features in particular, we've chosen to have them as they are. Subscribers can choose to watch ads in exchange for them, without having to do so to play the game itself, as to not to break the game balance.