If you forgot your password, you can reset it to sign in to your Arkadium profile again.

How to reset password on website

  • Click Sign in at the top right corner.

  • Click Forgot your password?

  • Type your Email address

  • Click Submit.

A  password recovery email will be sent to you.

NOTE: if you do not receive the password recovery email, please check your junk mail or click Resend


How to reset password using bot

You can also use our bot to reset your password should you like. Go to our Support Website and click on the bot on the bottom left to start speaking to it.

Then, click to chat with us.

After which, click on Arkadium Account.

Then, select I forgot my password.

Then, you'll be prompted to type your e-mail address. Please do so and press Enter to submit it.

You will then receive via e-mail a code to enter on the bot.

After which, you can insert the code where the bot requests it.

Once the code has been confirmed, you will be given the choice to receive an e-mail to reset your password.

Should you choose to receive the e-mail, you'll be able to define a new password by clicking on the received link.