Most games have their own Options Menu where you can adjust the game's sound effects and music. 


There are some variants how the game menu button can look:

  • The  “Hamburger” icon.

  • The "Pause" icon.    

  • The "Gear" icon.

  • The "Menu" button. 

NOTE: the Options menu button will usually be located at the top right or top left corner of the game

Open this menu to toggle the sound controls to your preference. 

Изображение выглядит как стол, стоит, компьютер, сидит

Автоматически созданное описаниеИзображение выглядит как монитор, экран, компьютер, телефон

Автоматически созданное описание

NOTE: Unfortunately, there is no way to disable sound for all games on the website and player should disable the sound in each game separately.